Summertime Tax Scams

summer tax scamsYou can rarely go a day without hearing about some new scam on TV or online. These schemes cross all industries and times of the year, so it’s always smart to be cautious when you receive a suspicious call or email. Just last week the Internal Revenue Systems issued a warning for tax-related scams across the nation. While you might not expect these nearly three months past the tax deadline, tax system schemes continue to claim victims.

“We continue to urge people to watch out for new and evolving schemes this summer,” said IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. “Many of these are variations of a theme, involving fictitious tax bills and demands to pay by purchasing and transferring information involving a gift card or iTunes card. Taxpayers can avoid these and other tricky financial scams by taking a few minutes to review the tell-tale signs of these schemes.”

Signs to look for include:  a demand of payment with a specific payment method; a threat to bring in law enforcement; a demand for payment without an opportunity to ask questions; and a request for debit or credit card information over the phone. Whether it’s a call or email, stop and verify before taking any action. Don’t click links and don’t give out personal information – financial or otherwise. Contact the IRS directly for information. If deemed a scam, you can also report it here.

We believe in educating our clients to protect your best interests. If you have concerns or believe you have been a target of a scam, you can always contact us, too. We can help connect you with appropriate professionals to resolve a potential concern. Call anytime at (913) 888-9100.