Start the New Year with an Early Tax Filing

Olathe Tax AccountantDon’t let this year become another of anxiety-filled tax prep! Use these next few weeks of winter and get a jump on your 2016 taxes. It’s easy to put off tax filing, but you’ll find yourself cramming at the last-minute. Not only is this stressful, but it can lead to errors, amendments and penalties. Beyond that, there’s the refund to think about!

If you’re expecting a refund for 2016, the sooner you file the sooner you will receive your money. (This also provides more time in 2017 to put that money to work for you!) We recommend our clients use the direct deposit option. In most cases, your refund will arrive 4 to 6 weeks earlier than a paper filing!

Get Organized

Now that things have calmed down from the holidays, use that additional time to get your tax documents in order. If you haven’t already, start a file for your 2016 taxes. As documents marked “Tax Return Information” start arriving in the mail, add them to the folder. Then think about potential deductions that may apply to you and start gathering the necessary documentation – for example:  receipts from holiday donations for a charitable deduction or childcare invoices for a childcare deduction.

Not sure what deductions you’re eligible for? Call us at (913) 888-9100. We can sit down with you to review your options and establish a plan to file your taxes quickly. Here’s to a Happy 2017 and a swift and easy tax filing!