Somethings Don’t Get Better with Age …

Like your taxes! We get it. Believe me. We get it, we know it and we have seen it all! There’s nothing fun about taxes. But what’s worse than tax prep in the first place is procrastinated tax prep! For one thing, it doesn’t get any easier to pull information together the further you get out in time. And for another, you delay money that may be owed to you, while likely raking up penalties!

Remember, while the IRS will grant most people a six-month extension to file, this does NOT delay any tax payments due. Here’s a list of 8 facts on late filing and late payment penalties from the IRS. Check with us to find out if any of these apply to your situation. In addition to the compounded financial implications of late filing and payment, it’s also important to asses a value to the time and stress associated with completing an overdue (or several overdue) files.

If you find yourself late, behind or stressed, partnering with a tax professional may be your quickest relief. We have years of experience and are very familiar with the filing process, laws and potential fines. Once you provide us with your tax documents, we can get things in order and filed quickly. In fact, many find the cost associated with hiring a tax professional outweighs the cost from additional penalties or errors. The expense can sometimes be justified in time and stress savings alone!

For information about our tax prep services and a cost estimate, call us anytime at (913) 888-9100. We’re available to start work for you right away.