Planning for 2016 Tax Filings

start-nowIt won’t be long before tax documents start arriving in the mail. If you haven’t already, designate a folder or place to keep these important items together. This simple step is one way to make the tax prep process easier for you!

We also recommend our clients start organizing tax documents now. Block a few hours on your calendar before the end of the year to collect documentation for your potential deductions. If you own a business, clean up your files and get your expenses in order. If you expect medical deductions, gather the receipts you have and request a year summary from your doctors and/or pharmacy. If you make charitable contributions, make a record for the year with receipts.

Like most anything else, tax preparation is easier when you are organized and prepared. That said, many people find it to be overwhelming and procrastinate. Don’t fall behind for this reason. We will help you! Schedule an appointment to bring in what you have so far, and we will get you organized. We can work together on a plan to identify the items you need to gather before April to avoid last-minute surprises. We will start a file for you and be ready to complete your 2016 tax file on time.

Getting your tax information started will save you extra time and stress this spring. It also won’t feel as stressful to work on these items now, while you aren’t under a tight timeline! Reach out for an appointment if you would like our help at (913) 888-9100.