Make Time for Taxes this Weekend

April 17 will come up fast. If you haven’t started your 2017 tax prep, make some time this weekend to pull information together. If you start now, there’s still plenty of time for an on-time file without feeling stressed or rushed. It’s when you feel stressed that you’re more likely to make mistakes, so don’t wait!

If extenuating circumstances are detaining you from your file, it might be time to consider an extension. We can help with this process and then have a meeting to learn how we can get your documents in order to complete your file as quickly as possible. There’s no reason to wait until October, and remember, you’re still responsible to pay any money due on time!

For those of you who have started but are hung up on something, give us a call at 913.888.9100 and we’ll help you get back on track. Use our years of experience to get through any hang ups fast. We know everyone starts taxes with the best of intentions – but life and other priorities can easily get in the way. We are available to pick up where you left off and wrap things up for you quickly and on time. Twenty-four days and counting!