Common Tax Issues

tax accountant olatheFirst things first, income taxes cover a full year of financials, so it’s no wonder the process can be daunting! They can also be complicated if you have special circumstances to consider, like being a small business owner, or having a major life event in the past year. This guide from the IRS is a good place to start for answers to some common tax questions.

Of course, taxes vary greatly by individual and business. That’s where we come in. We have the experience and time to tailor our services to your specific needs. And, we can answer those questions that might be “not so common” for you. When you rely on our knowledge and experience, you will have peace of mind that your taxes were filed correctly.

We are also current on tax laws and options that can potentially benefit you that you may not be aware of! For example, did you know there are ways for a married couple to save more in taxes if one of them owns their own business? Call us at (913) 888-9100 to learn more about this program and see if it applies to you! We are still taking appointments for on-time 2016 tax files. Call soon!