Taxes can be complicated. To ensure your income taxes are filed correctly and that you are receiving all of the deductions you may be entitled to, it’s smart to work with a professional.
We know the tax law and are familiar with related updates. Without proper experience, you probably wouldn’t consider doing significant plumbing work on your home or making automotive repairs to your car for fear of making a mistake. When you partner with us to file your income taxes, you can rest assured that we will get the job done right.
At Adams Accounting Solutions, we focus on personalized service. We don’t just plug in the numbers – we ask the right questions to help you take all the deductions you are eligible for and to help you get the largest refund (or smallest taxes due) that the tax law allows. This is where people often miss out doing taxes on their own. When you’re not familiar with all the deductions available, it’s easy to leave money on the table.
We have many years of tax and accounting experience – both with individuals and with businesses. If you’re considering starting a business, schedule a meeting with us first. It’s easier to set things up for you properly from the start, than it is to correct later. It’s also usually less expensive this way as well!
Count on our knowledge and experience to benefit you. Call us anytime at (913) 888-9100 for guidance or to schedule a meeting. If you’re feeling a time crunch with the tax deadline approaching, we can still help you before April 15 or even help you file an extension request, if needed.